- A -
abomination - something that is extremely hated or detested by God;
above that ye are able more than you are able;
abroad without being confined to narrow limits; expanding beyond the walls or boundaries, or beyond geographic boundaries;
aerated - supplied with air; (in gardening) a step taken to prepare fertile ground;
affliction the cause of persistent pain or distress; great suffering;
anointed - to be chosen or ordained by God;
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- B -
berserk (to go berserk) for ones actions to be frenzied, crazed, or recklessly defiant;
bestow to store; put in a certain place;
bond - binding agreement;
bout - about;
bushel - a type of box;
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- C -
common to man experienced by most people;
conversation the way one walks or talks; one's way of life; oral communication; moral conduct or behavior;
covetousness - root word of covetousness is "covet," meaning to desire what belongs to someone else;
caldron (or cauldron) - a large kettle or broiler;
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- D -
destitute lacking something necessary;
disciples - followers; usually followers of Christ;
divers various;
doctrine a principle or truth that is taught; a body of principles of a belief; a system of teachings related to a particular subject;
dome a head;
double-minded to have two or more conflicting purposes, agendas, or beliefs at the same time; believing and doubting at the same time;
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- E -
E is for Ιric - co-founder of E&W Collaborations (www.ericlfarrell.com)
enticed allured or attracted (usually to something sinful) by exciting hope or desire;
err stray; wander; go astray, especially in thought (mentally); be wrong; deviate from the path of duty; fail morally; transgress;
exhort to give warning or advice; to urge strongly; to move one to action by using appealing arguments or advice;
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- F -
Fallen Star refers to Satan who is Lucifer fallen from heaven according to Isaiah 14:12 (note: he is not to be confused with the "morning star" who is Jesus. The New International Version (NIV) incorrectly calls Satan the "morning star" in Isaiah 14:12 and slightly changes the text of Revelation 22:16 to comply with that, but Jesus is the morning star as testified in Revelation 22:16 of the King James Version - KJV); "Lucifer" has been said to mean "light bearer," hence the loose reference to him being a fallen star; Also in Luke 10:18, Jesus says "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven."
fetal - unborn, pre-birth;
flesh bodily pleasure or physical nature of human beings (as opposed to spiritual);
fold (dont fold your cards) to acknowledge defeat by withdrawing (one's cards) from play in a card game; to surrender or give up;
fornication sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other;
fundamentals - essentials; basics;
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- H -
heady self-willed, fulfilling one's own will instead of God's; having an exaggerated opinion of one's importance (often referred to as having a "big head"); inconsiderate; rich; violent; forceful;
heap gather;
hearts one of four suites of playing cards marked by a red heartshaped symbol; hearts also typically symbolize love or the ability to love;
highminded pretentious; perceiving oneself to be of exaggerated importance, worth, or stature;
hither - here;
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- I -
ignorance the state of mind of being ignorant; lacking knowledge; an adaptation of the word ignore, refusing to notice, consider, or recognize; to disregard;
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- J -
Job (pronounced "jobe") - a man in biblical times who was a faithful servant to God, who God recommended to the Devil as someone to
torment to see if he (Job) would forsake God when under pressure. The story found in the Bible starting at Job 1:6-12 (Job, chapter 1, verses 6 through 12).
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- L -
laden burdened; weighed down; loaded;
layeth - store away; put away for future use;
leadeth leads;
long suffering long and patient endurance of offense; enduring being provoked or injured for a long time;
lust fleshly desire; sexual appetite; depraved or unlawful sexual craving; intense longing or passionate desire; an eagerness to possess or enjoy (possibly something other than sexual
i.e. money); lust almost always refers to sinful desire;
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- M -
maketh - makes;
members one of another - one body; joined together as one; belonging to each other;
mic the abbreviation for microphone (pronounced "mike");
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- N -
new man - the new you; the changed person you are now since you came to Christ; a different person or a new creature (as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 5:17);
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- O -
old man - the old you; the person you were before you came to Christ and became a different person or a new creature (as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 5:17);
overzealous - overly eager; overly passionate;
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- P -
parable a usually short fiction story told to teach a moral lesson or principle; an allegorical story; parables in the Bible did not contain names of people or real places and Jesus often used parables to publicly teach his disciples lessons using symbolism that others who could hear would not understand; almost as if talking in code;
pluralism of minds double-minded, confused, appearing to be logical and meaningful but in fact is a mixture of sense and nonsense;
prenatal before birth (in "Modern Day Cain" it refers to those who have not yet been born again);
profess to declare or admit openly or freely;
prosperity preaching preaching a doctrine that focuses mainly on gaining prosperity, usually personal financial wealth, as external evidence of having God's favor. This favor may be preordained, granted in return for prayer asking for such things, or giving money to the preacher (or church) to get a return (also referred to as "sowing a seed"). Prosperity preaching is frowned upon by some believers, as some preachers and their followers grow to be more focused on earthly wealth and material possessions than on salvation and spiritual growth;
provision preparation; the act or process of providing; the fact or state of being prepared beforehand;
put away - divorce;
putting away - forsaking; getting rid of; doing away with; casting aside;
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- R -
rebuke to criticize sharply; to reprimand; to put someone in check; to express strong disapproval;
rend to roughly tear apart (physically or mentally and emotionally);
reprobate morally corrupt; foreordained to damnation; depraved; rejected as worthless or not standing a test; condemned;
reprove to scold or correct usually gently or with kindly intent; disprove;
revelations things which are revealed, made known, disclosed;
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- S -
shewed - showed;
shine-bright flashy material possessions or jewelry; bling bling;
spades one of the four suites of playing cards marked by a black spearhead symbol, which in the game of "Spades" is generally held to play as trump cards nearing the end of the game; a spade is also a tool used for digging or cutting (literally), but it also used as a metaphor;
strengtheneth - strengthens;
suffer - force; allow by reason of indifference; passively allow; passively consent to by not forbidding or hindering;
swine mammals in the family of pigs or wild boars; used in Matthew 7:6 as a metaphor for ignorant people who do not value the worth of what you have to offer;
synagogue - the house of worship and communal center of a Jewish congregation;
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- T -
theology - the study of religious faith, practice and experience; especially the study of God and of God's relation to the world; (Websters 2002)
thereat there; at that place;
thereof of it; pertaining to it;
thy - your;
traitor one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty
turmoil a mental state or condition of extreme confusion or agitation;
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- W -
W is for Will - co-founder of E&W Collaborations (www.willholmesjr.com)
wherefore - for the reason or purpose of;
wherein in which;
whereof of which;
wrath - strong vengeful anger;
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A Book by E&W Collaborations
A Book by E&W Collaborations